The kitchen is one of the busiest places in our homes, but it can also be the source of foul odors. In this blog, we will provide six practical tips from experts on keeping your kitchen fresh and free of foul odors.
1. Adequate ventilation
Ventilation is essential to keep a kitchen free of undesirable odors. Experts recommend using smoke extractors and ventilation hoods to remove contaminated air and odors generated during cooking. Remember to clean and maintain these ventilation systems regularly for optimal performance.
2. Clean and disinfect regularly
Regular cleaning is essential to prevent the build-up of foul odors in the kitchen—clean kitchen appliances and utensils regularly, using appropriate cleaning products. Additionally, do not forget to clean the inside of the refrigerator and freezer, as rotting food can generate foul odors. Use mild disinfectants to maintain hygiene in the kitchen.
3. Use natural ingredients to neutralize odors
Natural ingredients to neutralize foul odors are suggested instead of covering them up. Some ingredients like:
White vinegar: Place a bowl of white vinegar on the counter or near the source of the odor. Vinegar can absorb and neutralize odors.
Lemon: Cut a lemon in half and rub it on the kitchen surface or use its juice to eliminate persistent odors.
Ground coffee: Put ground coffee in an open container in the kitchen. The coffee will absorb foul odors and leave a pleasant aroma.
Baking soda: Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of trash cans, in the sink, or the refrigerator to absorb foul odors.
4. Avoid stagnant air
Stagnant air can contribute to the accumulation of odors in the kitchen. To avoid them, you can open the kitchen windows and doors to promote fresh air circulation.
If possible, use fans to increase airflow and eliminate unwanted odors.
5. Eliminate odors from the refrigerator
The refrigerator can be a common source of foul odors in the kitchen. Experts recommend regularly cleaning the refrigerator’s inside with water and vinegar to eliminate them. Additionally, you can place an open box of baking soda in the fridge to absorb unpleasant odors.
6. Avoid garbage accumulation
Accumulated garbage can eliminate foul odors in the kitchen. It is essential to take out the trash regularly and ensure the cans are tightly closed. To keep the environment fresh, you can use garbage bags with odor-absorbing properties.